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Special Opportunities

Everyone’s welcome to participate in any of our services or group meetings, but throughout the year we also offer special opportunities to be part of our family at Trinity Methodist Church. Come and join us!

Musical Programs

There’s something special about enjoying excellent music in our intimate, historic setting. Our Director of Music Ministries, Lynn McGill, uses his connections across Tennessee to arrange special musical presentations, such as:

  • Seasonal programs at Christmas and Easter
  • Guest soloists, instrumentalists, or groups with a variety of musical styles

Guest Speakers

We occasionally host guest speakers during Sunday School or Worship who bring a unique, global perspective on the work of Christ in today’s world.

Recent guests include:

  • Chris Mitchell, Middle East bureau chief for CBN News
  • Bishop Dr. Paul & Rev. Grace Mbithi of New Life Restoration Ministries and Springs of Life Children’s home and school, Kenya
  • Katrina Čakste Wilson, granddaughter of Latvia’s first president and author of War, Love & Redemption about her family’s experiences in Eastern Europe during WWII and the Communist era, and the Christian faith that sustained them.
  • Tiffany Atkinson of Freedom’s Promise youth and children’s ministry in Cambodia and Myanmar.
Guest Speaker Chris Mitchell
Chris Mitchell
Guest Speaker Tiffany Adkinson
Tiffany Atkinson

Community Gatherings

We’d love to have you experience our hospitality at these special community events throughout the year. No matter the season, the warm welcome is yours!

Watch for announcements of:

  • Pancake Breakfast
  • Victorian Tea
  • Ice Cream Social
  • Fall Festival
  • Christmas program & reception

Click below to see our next special event on our Home Page and make plans to join us!